Prioritizing User Experience When Monetizing Games

3 min readAug 19, 2021

Goes without saying — user experience is extremely important for any game developer. If one can’t bring in loyal users who engage with the games, there’s no way one can create revenue from the app. This is something to remember as you work through your monetization strategy. You should always be thinking about how a decision will affect the experience of users playing the game.

What Is Game Design?

Game design is the use of design and creativity to build a game for educational or entertainment purposes. It involves creating interesting characters, stories, rules, goals, and challenges that develop interactions with other users, characters, or objects.

People who design games are the heart behind bringing a game to market. It involves working on a bit of everything at different times. As a result, every game is unique and will have different mechanics, gameplay systems, and features that come together to make an experience that is fun for users.

As a game designer, a person needs to have a variety of technical skills, but having a touch of artistic ability and being able to tell a compelling story is the main requirement.

Why You Should Prioritize Game Design Over Anything

Without a great game design, it’s going to be hard to bring in users. It doesn’t matter if you are a huge game developer or a single person making their first game. Game design is key. A game that has an excellent design will provide both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation for players.

If you create a well-designed game, it’s going to be engaging and satisfying to play. Create an interactive game with an enriching experience and it creates a feeling of immersion. Those are the sort of games that users pick up and never put down. They’re also the games that can bring in revenue.

Best Practices In Game Design

However, creating amazing game design is easier than it sounds. It involves everything from enemy design to game mechanics, level design, and more. That’s why we want to share a few tips to help you out.

  • Make It Easy to Learn and Hard to Master — This ensures users can get started without frustration. It also means they have to play over and over again to become one of the best.
  • Use a Core Game Mechanic — Having a main mechanic is easier to design around. However, it can’t be dull or boring. Add new elements as the game goes on to keep things fresh.
  • Reward the Player — People like to be praised, which is why you need to reward your players. Scores, items, and accolades are all options for rewards that players will appreciate. Make beating big challenges feel special.

Monetization and Game Design

While you consider the game you want to make, remember to consider how players will use it. You should also think about how they will pay from the beginning. For free play games, this often comes down to monetizing on time. Many players will pay to speed up a slow section of a game if they want to keep playing. Incorporate that into your game design and watch as your revenue grows!

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